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Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery refers to a collective term for surgical procedures used in the treatment of obesity and obesity-related metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. The primary goal of this surgical type is to achieve significant weight loss and improve health issues associated with obesity.
In this procedure, a portion of the stomach is bypassed, reducing food intake and affecting digestion, resulting in weight loss.
This procedure involves reducing the size of the stomach to resemble a sleeve. It restricts food intake and encourages weight loss.
Placing an adjustable band around the stomach controls food intake. The band’s tightness can be modified to manage weight loss speed.
This procedure involves removing a portion of the stomach and reconfiguring the digestive pathways, limiting intake and absorption.
Individuals with a BMI above 40 are considered severely obese and may be eligible for surgery.
Individuals with a BMI above 35 who also have obesity-related health problems might be candidates for surgery.
The patient’s overall health, medical history, and current medications are assessed. Specialists determine if the patient is a suitable candidate for surgery.
Besides the physical aspects, the psychological impacts of the surgery are also considered. Therefore, the patient’s psychological condition is evaluated.
The patient’s pre- and post-surgery dietary habits are adjusted. Counseling is provided regarding the effects and requirements of obesity surgery.
Take all medications recommended by your doctor regularly.
Follow your nutrition plan and adhere to the prescribed eating, drinking, and exercise instructions.
After the surgery, you may need to limit your activity level. Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully.
Take care of yourself during the post-operative recovery process and follow your doctor’s recommendations.
34764 Üsküdar/ İstanbul
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